With hand-constructed mixed-media frames that act as a subtext for the central image, The Icons of the Self group combines techniques such as painting, drawing, wood-working, casting, and assemblage. Ready-mades, found objects, and original sculpture are placed in surprising, unlikely arrangements and many parody earlier art forms, such as the altarpiece, to intensify meaning.

Erased, ICONS OF THE SELF series
Black Oil Pastel, bricks
50” x 32”
The Unwelcome Release, ICONS OF THE SELF series
Black Oil Pastel, wood
59” x 41”
Coming Out/Breakthrough, ICONS OF THE SELF series
Oil pastel, encaustic on wood
120” x 48”
The Divided Self, ICONS OF THE SELF series
Oil on canvas, cast plaster, foam stripping
89 1/2” x 69 1/2”